Testing the City of the Future

A living and working experiment for a climate neutral city of Görlitz

Görlitz as a place to work

The city of Görlitz offers many opportunities as a place for economic activity and work:

  • Job opportunities for highly skilled professionals
  • Economic anchor point in Upper Lusatia
  • Great dynamic in the context of the energy transition in Lusatia
  • International environment due to its location in the border area between Germany, Poland and Czech Republic, cross-border links within the framework of the European City of Görlitz/Zgorzelec
  • Openness to entrepreneurs and idea developers
  • Availability of university graduates from the region
  • Varied and affordable commercial space
  • Creative potential and networking opportunities within the city community through numerous initiatives and associations

  Willkommen zu Hause - Arbeiten in Görlitz and    Willkommen zu Hause – Bildung in Görlitz ,
Learn more on the YouTube channel of the European City of Görlitz/Zgorzelec

Our offers to work

Within the project "Testing the City of the Future – A living and working experiment for a climate neutral city of Görlitz", various local companies, research institutions and initiatives provide a working environment in which those who are working in the field of climate neutrality and sustainable urban development can contribute to the city. In the following, all partner institutions are presented with their potential connecting points.

We ask interested persons to submit a description of their project or planned activities with the application form. Please refer to the desired partner institutions and their areas of work or activities. Participants will be selected based on their application and in close consultation with the partner institutions.


CASUS – Center for Advanced Systems Understanding

Who are we?

CASUS is a unique center for data-intensive digital systems research worldwide. It takes on the challenge of creating digital images of complex systems at unprecedented fidelity in order to predict their interactions and dynamics. As an institute of the Helmholtz Centre Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), it combines innovative methods from mathematics, theoretical systems research, simulation, data and computer science to provide solutions for a range of disciplines, such as materials science under ambient and extreme conditions, earth systems research and systems biology.

Our contribution to sustainable development:

The research itself is dealing with questions of sustainability, e.g. in the field of autonomous driving or earth system research. The institute's future "home" is planned to be the old “Kondensatorenwerk” (capacitor factory) in Görlitz, which is to be saved from decay with funding from the Free State of Saxony. Modern research will then take place in a renovated industrial monument.

How can one become involved with us?

At CASUS, participants have the opportunity to get to know data-intensive research in the field of digital systems and to work with state-of-the-art equipment and technology together with top international researchers in the city centre of Görlitz. Within the framework of the project "Testing the City of the Future", three-month guest researcher stays financed by CASUS are possible in the following thematic areas:

  • Materials science under ambient and extreme conditions
  • Systems biology
  • Earth system research
  • Autonomous driving
  • Health

Our International Office supports the guest researchers in the preparation and during their stay in Görlitz with all questions and also with formalities with authorities, banks and insurance companies.


Philipp von Haymerle (p.haymerleioer@hzdr.de, +49 3581 37523 11)

Teilnehmende in einem Raum von CASUS in Görlitz, Blick zum Fenster  Teilnehmende in einem Raum von CASUS in Görlitz, Blick zur Wand
Photos: © Paul Glaser

Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz

Who are we?

The University of Applied Sciences with its two campuses in Zittau and Görlitz is the academic centre of Upper Lusatia. Diversity is our strength - teaching and research is carried out here in engineering and scientific fields as well as in sociological and regional policy topics. More than 40 Bachelor's, Diploma and Master's degree programmes are offered at our university. As a result, we have developed into a strong and recognised partner both locally and nationally. The Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz is one of the most scientifically and conceptually efficient universities for applied sciences.

Our contribution to sustainable development:

Sustainable development takes place in many areas at our institution. On the one hand, as an educational and research institution, we ourselves organise a continuous improvement process in sustainability management. On the other hand, the topic runs through almost all departments and research topics - from alternative energy supply and resource conservation to lightweight material applications and social participation processes.

How can one become involved with us?

On the one hand, the university offers the possibility of supplementing existing courses with practice-relevant topics. If there is interest, the offers are coordinated with the responsible university lecturers.

Furthermore, it is possible to work in research projects in coordination with the respective project leaders. Here are some selected projects or subject areas:


Sabine Scholz (s.scholzioer@hszg.de; +49 3583 612-4575)

Exkursion, drei Personen am Bach  Gebäude von oben  Person im Labor
f.l.t.r.: Photo 1: © Paul Glaser, Photos 2 und 3: © Tobias Ritz

KoLABORacja e. V.

Who are we?

KoLABOR is more than a classic co-working space. Since 2015, an interdisciplinary and collaborative place to work, exchange and try things out existed in a formerly vacant shop in the centre of Görlitz. The seven founders come from near and far, moved to Görlitz a few years ago or returned here. With KoLABOR, they have established a community space for their mostly intellectual activities in public urban space and invite others to share space and knowledge with each other. Freelancers, makers, teams or non-profit initiatives meet here. The diversity and potential of the people who work and make a difference in the city thus become visible and publicly perceived.

Our contribution to sustainable development:

As a jointly used space, KoLABOR per se stands for a sustainable way of living and working. We want to be sparing with the resources available to us and share the necessary infrastructure, which starts with the heating costs, continues with the coffee kitchen and ends with the beamer. In addition, KoLABOR is an example for the effective use of vacancies in the city and thus contributes to a lively, engaged city life.

How can one become involved with us?

We offer co-working spaces 24/7!

As a freelancer, self-employed person or start-up, you can use an office workspace at KoLABOR and exchange ideas with others. Eight workstations and a seminar room (up to 12 people) are available for workshops, meetings, language courses, networking formats and concentrated work, including internet, printer and coffee kitchen.

In addition, KoLABOR provides:

  • Proximity to other creative locations and initiatives
  • Central location in Görlitz city centre, 10 minutes' walk from the train station
  • Fresh air option on the terrace facing the courtyard
  • Lockers for personal belongings
  • Coffee flat rate


Luise Träger, kontaktioer@kolaboracja.eu

Raum mit Eingangstür  Personen am Schreibtisch  Gruppe von acht Frauenn auf der Straße

Photos: © Paul Glaser

KommWohnen Service GmbH

Who are we?

KommWohnen Service GmbH is the municipal housing association and also the largest rental company in the city of Görlitz. As part of a long-term partnership, we provide the furnished flats for the trial stays.

Our contribution to sustainable development:

KommWohnen Service GmbH also addresses issues of sustainable urban development and wants to contribute to the goal of climate neutrality by 2030. Among other things, we are renovating residential buildings in the city to make them more energy-efficient, installing photovoltaic systems and building up an e-car fleet. New concepts for green spaces and the greening of houses are also constantly being developed and tested.

How can one become involved with us?

If you come from the fields of architecture, green space planning or environmental management and would like to develop concepts, ideas or even feasibility studies, for example on the (tourist) development at Lake Berzdorf or on the topic of climate-neutral building in the rental sector (use of building materials, architectural features, greening of facades), we offer various opportunities for this. Participation is conceivable within the framework of theses, internship agreements, working student contracts or freelance activities.


Alexander Sommer (a.sommerioer@kommwohnen.de; +49 3581/461-455)

Gebäude mit Schild   Blick von oben auf das Hafenbecken  Blick auf das Gelände von KommWohnen

Photos: KommWohnen Service GmbH

Kühlhaus Görlitz e. V.

Who are we?

The Kühlhaus Görlitz is an industrial wasteland in the Weinhübel district that has been converted into a cultural meeting place since 2008. At the moment, first jobs and businesses are being created on site. We want to offer young and/or creative people in Görlitz opportunities that make it worthwhile to stay or move to the city. Through our cultural content and events, we have been able to establish ourselves as an important location for Görlitz's subculture.

Our contribution to sustainable development:

By revitalising an old industrial site, we are preserving a piece of (building) history, using existing resources and creating a place for all residents of Görlitz to work and exchange. Our heating is powered by biomass and we are planning to install photovoltaic systems.

The entire principle of the Kühlhaus Görlitz is an experimental space. In terms of both content and structural realisation, we try to test new approaches and also put them into practice

How can one become involved with us?

For example, we are considering how we can use the gigantic structure with its building physics to store heat generated in the summer for the winter so that we can operate our heating systems. Combined heat and power and PV systems could be integrated into the concept. We would be grateful for expert consideration and ideas in these areas. But even if it were only a matter of providing experimental areas for other innovations, we can imagine that very well.

The Kühlhaus offers a change of perspective on what is still possible beyond the big city. In a creative environment, embedded in nature but still close to the city, freelancers can use work spaces and workshops in the Kühlhaus. The following open workshops are available:

  • Creative workshop for painting, small art and handicraft work
  • Photo lab with darkroom and complete equipment for analogue developme
  • Silk screen printing workshop for printing on various papers, wood and text
  • Desk workstations and offices (with WLAN)
  • Outdoor workplaces and meeting rooms
  • Event rooms for lectures and conferences


Danilo Kuscher (danilo@kuehlhaus-goerlitz.de)

Fotolabor  Arbeitsplatz   Werkstatt

Photos: Juliane Wedlich

Siemens Energy - Innovationscampus Görlitz

Who are we?

Siemens Turbinenwerk Görlitz looks back on a long history marked by constant change. Since its foundation, the industrial site has supplied products and solutions for power and heat generation. The conversion and storage of energy will continue to be the most important driver of the Innovation Campus Görlitz in the future. In addition to Siemens, start-ups, SMEs, research institutes and universities/universities have already settled on the Innovation Campus Görlitz and in the ENERGY Co-Working Space, which are characterised by a sense of community and innovative spirit, pursue common goals, support each other and exchange ideas. The community management of the co-working space promotes this exchange, connects partners and supports the founders and start-ups in the early phase with workshops on topics such as design thinking, agile working, sustainable founding or self-management.

Logo of Leucht One Gmbh.png

Leucht One GmbH is a Berlin-based company founded in 2018 that specialises in the design and operation of innovative co-working/co-creation spaces. The company supports global corporations in the design of their own innovation spaces and assists in the search for locations and real estate development, creates space and operational concepts and advises on rollout and operation. Leucht One GmbH developed the concept for the new co-working space and innovation campus in Görlitz and operates it on behalf of Siemens.

Our contribution to sustainable development:

The future cooperation platform, the Innovation Campus Görlitz, is being created as an ecosystem of new structures and innovative concepts and deals with research and development fields that seek answers for the future energy supply. It represents a symbiosis of industry, business and science and aims to send impulses into the region. As a platform for competences, knowledge and networks, it will become a new place for future work and project development and implement various sustainability projects with partners in the city and the region.

How can one become involved with us?

Within the framework of the project, various working models are conceivable with us:

  • At the Siemens Innovation Campus, "trial founders"can put their ideas into practice and try them out in a unique working atmosphere. Start-ups that have already been founded can also find time and space to drive their company forward. The ENERGY co-working space offers the perfect basis with flexible workplaces, workshop and meeting rooms, workshops and laboratories, state-of-the-art technology and equipment.
  • As a"participant on trial " at Leucht One GmbH, one would be a member of the community management team in the ENERGY co-working space, learn how to create a lively community and become a part of it, help partners and members in joint exchange, innovative workshops and agile working methods and contribute significantly to the successful operation of the co-working space.
  • The"company location on trial" offers companies the opportunity to send an employee to the Innovation Campus. This employee can work on projects in the co-working space, create new product/company branches in a unique working atmosphere and test the region as a new business location. The employee benefits from the advantages of the Innovation Campus, the exchange with members and partners, the innovative co-working space ENERGY as a place to work, prototype and research.


Inga Witing (inga.witingioer@leucht-one.de, phone +49 163 5 16 43 06)


Skizze eines Co-Working Space

Skizze des Innovationscampus

Photos: Siemens Energy

Stadtwerke Görlitz AG

Who are we?

Quality of life begins with the Görlitz Stadtwerke. Customers use our services every day: in the morning when they switch on the coffee machine and the light, when they turn on the tap or at night on their way home when they are happy about the bright streets. Other services such as drinking water supply and wastewater disposal, city lighting, fast internet coupled with IT services round off the service package and make SWG AG one of the key players in the region.

Our contribution to sustainable development:

As a regional energy and environmental service provider, SWG AG is aware of its responsibility. We have been supplying all households and small businesses with green electricity and climate-neutral natural gas for years. We focus on electric mobility, build electric charging stations in public spaces and offer e-car and e-bike sharing. Together with Polish colleagues, SWG AG is currently working on a climate-neutral district heating supply in the cities of Görlitz and Zgorzelec by 2030, a lighthouse project for the environment and European cooperation.

How can one become involved with us?

SWG AG is currently working on numerous projects with the aim of contributing to sustainable and future-oriented urban development through attractive services. We would like to receive external and qualified input for these projects. This could be offered in the form of internships, project work or similar.

Project examples:

  • Participation in the German-Polish project "Climate-neutral district heating for the European City".
  • Participation in the development of SMART City solutions for the city of Görlitz.
  • Participation in the "Future Workshop" of SWG AG, a team that deals with innovative topics, develops, pilots and implements new ideas.


Sascha Caron (sascha.caron@stadtwerke-goerlitz.de; +49 3581 335123)

E-Ladestation  Blick zum Werk

f.l.t.r.: Photo 1: C. Zöllter und Photo 2: S. Rößler



Wildwuchs e. V.

Who are we?

The association Wildwuchs e. V. is a platform for cultural projects from various fields such as performance art, visual arts and music - always in relation to Görlitz-Zgorzelec and the region. With the Offspace/Ideenlabor NEUN GÖRLITZ (founded in 2013), we offer a place for exhibitions, artist residencies or other creative (office) work. NEUN GÖRLITZ is located in the heart of the old town and has exhibition space and an office. The association offers a broad network of artists and committed people from Görlitz as well as cultural institutions and projects.

Our contribution to sustainable development:

Life in the city" is one of the founding impulses of the association, the motto runs as a guiding principle through our activities, Görlitz should be lively and we want to help shape this life. Sustainable urban development and climate neutrality are welcome topics to make Görlitz worth living in.

How can one become involved with us?

We offer the use of our Ideenlabor NEUN GÖRLITZ, which has the following equipment:

  • Gallery room with shop windows (approx. 15 sqm) for exhibitions and events; lighting system to set the stage for the shop windows even in the dark.
  • Exhibition room (approx. 9 sqm) with passage to the office.
  • Office (20 sqm) with telephone and W-Lan connection, work table for up to 3 people, fridge, coffee machine and kettle and a small bathroom.


Jana Lübeck (wildwuchs.ev@gmx.de)

exhibition  http://stadt-der-zukunft-auf-probe.ioer.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/SZaP/img/IMG_8466_Jana_Luebeck.jpg  exhibition space

Photos: Jana Lübeck/Wildwuchs e. V.