Testing the City of the Future

A living and working experiment for a climate neutral city of Görlitz


9. November 2021
event note: "Testing the City of the Future" at the webinar series stadt:ipmpuls (only German)
Practice knowledge during lunch break: We present our project approach at the webinar series "stadt:impuls" of The National Urban Development Policy and share our insights and experiences. 

4. Oktober 2021
Press release: "Testing the City of the Future" - first participants start their trial stay in Görlitz (only German)
In the project "Testing the City of the Future - A Living and Working Experiment for a climate neutral city of Görlitz", the experimental residency phase is now starting. Until the end of the year, the first three participants can test Görlitz as a place to live, work and live.

5. Mai 2021
Press release: "Testing the City of the Future" - test Görlitz for three months and make it climate neutral 
From autumn 2021, it will once again be possible to test living and working in Görlitz. The project “Testing the City of the Future – A living and working experiment for a climate neutral city of Görlitz” focuses on a new aspect.